Soul Work & UBB Presents Jesse Perez

Soul Work and United By Bass cordially invite you to Spin Nightclub on Saturday, April 7th for a night of banging House & Techno.

(Mr. Nice Guy Rec | FL)

Jesse Perez is a larger than life character who doesn’t like to reveal too much about himself. Instead his big personality shines through in his music. Whether he was actually conceived in a motel in Little Havana, we do not know. Was his dad a pimp who was ten years younger than him? Probably not. But these are the stories he puts out there.Looking to his music gives more clues about his passions, at least: it is big stuff that is always characterized by a massive serving of bass. No doubt influenced by the bass music of his Miami homeland, he is very much part of a fresh and exciting crew of producers making bootylicious house music with ghetto rawness, percolating percussions and firing vocals that always send crowds wild.

Also Featuring:
(Tribe Out West | Techlepatic | SD)

(Lady Lush | Native Alien | SD)

(SoulWork | SD)

21+ | 10PM-4AM | $10-20
Located at Spin Nightclub
2028 Hancok st. San Diego, CA 92101

More Info:

Check out the event re-cap video!

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